Realising opportunity

Skills and values

Harbour Master’s Office

Capitainerie de Port-La Nouvelle
Délégation à la Mer et au littoral des
Pyrénées Orientales et de l’Aude
1571 avenue de la mer

+33 (0) 4 68 48 17 64 C
+33 (0) 4 68 40 31 42 D
24/7 direct line : +33 (0) 6 37 27 53 57 C


BPosition Lat 43° 01 N – Long 003° 03’ E.

BSHOM marine charts No. 6843, 6844 et 7434

BBA charts 1705 and 2114


BPilotage is mandatory for all vessels over 45 m length and those carrying IMO classed cargoes.

BPassage time from roads to berths approximately 1 hour.

BPilots board 1.0–2.0 n.m. east of the harbour entrance depending on vessel type and weather conditions.

Sécurité et Sûreté

BThe port is ISPS certified

BHazardous Goods: Class IMO 1 is not accepted.

BThe port is fully fenced.

BGuardians 24/7 + video protection in all areas (day and night)

EThe Harbour Master’s Office depends on both the State Authorities and the Regional Council of Occitanie (owner of the Port of Port-La Nouvelle).

EFor the State Authorities, the Harbour Master’s Office ensures the police of the port on the water side (maritime traffic regulation), the regulation of dangerous goods passing through the port, the definition of safety and security measures as well as the reception of ships in difficulty.

EFor the Region, it manages the allocation of berths, coordinates the port services (pilotage, towage, etc.), ensures the conservation of the public maritime domain (prevention of risks and pollution, checking of the state of port infrastructure) and ensures the compliance with the rules related to the police of the port.

Maritime Agencies

Four Maritime Agencies propose their services in Port-La Nouvelle. Ship’s Agents represent shipowners in commercial ports. They ensure a commercial function that focuses on the preparation and organization of the call (ordering pilots, tugs, stevedoring companies, documentation monitoring, etc.) and a technical function for ship assistance (supplies for the vessel, renewal of certificates, assistance to the crew, etc.). All ships calling at Port-La Nouvelle are invited to appoint a Ship Agent as they are professionals well informed about the local regulations, procedures and the customs of the port.

Pre-Arrival Information. Vessels should forward all required documents to Agent at least 48 hours in advance. The following documents will be required (please check with Agencies any update) :

1Certificate of Insurance
2Crew List
3Dangerous Goods Declaration

4Inward Declaration
5Maritime Declaration of Health
6Passenger List

7Pre-Arrival Ship Security Declaration
8Ship Sanitation Control (Exemption) Certificate
9Waste Declaration.


405 Avenue Adolphe Turrel
C+33 (0) 4 68 48 01 02


1140 Avenue de la mer
C+33 (0) 6 47 54 65 94


Zone portuaire
876 Avenue Adolphe Turrel
Quai EST n°2
C+33 (0) 4 68 48 38 90


Bâtiment la Robine
115 Avenue Adolphe Turrel
C+33 (0) 4 68 40 27 22


Pilot Station of Port-La Nouvelle
1246, avenue de la Mer

+33 (0) 4 68 40 43 50 C
+33 (0) 4 68 40 43 51 D

EThe Pilots of Port-La Nouvelle intervene in Port-Vendres too (same pilot station). Their services, thus extend to the mandatory pilot areas of Port-La Nouvelle and Côte Vermeille. Pilotage is compulsory within these two zones for all vessels of 45 metres length or more, as well as for all vessels carrying dangerous goods (classified IMO).

EPilots operate 24 hours a day. They are commissioned by the State to assist vessel’s masters in the operation of their ships in and out of ports as well as for berthing manoeuvres. They have a perfect knowledge of the port areas and navigation rules. While their main mission is to operate the vessels, pilots, together with maritime authorities, contribute to the traffic management with the aim of ensuring safety, environmental protection and fluid movement in ports.
EThe linesmen assist the crews in berthing by handling the moorings lines of the vessels and positioning them on the dock bollards in good safety conditions. In Port-La Nouvelle, the service is integrated to the Pilot Station. The operations are consequently carried out in perfect coordination.


Pilot Station of Port-La Nouvelle
1246, avenue de la Mer

C+33 (0) 4 68 40 43 50
D+33 (0) 4 68 40 43 51


Société Nouvelloise de remorquage
464 quai du Port

+33 (0) 4 68 45 14 84 C

EThe Société Nouvelloise de Remorquage (SNR) has been operating in Port-La Nouvelle since 1982. The service is provided 365 days per year and 24 hours a day with only one hour’s notice. Tugs assist vessels in berthing and departing manoeuvres in collaboration with the Pilotage, Linesmen and Harbour Master’s Office. Towage is part of the security of the port and the safeguarding of port facilities. Two tugs are available in Port-La Nouvelle: the AEOLOS with a pull capacity of 22 tons and the GRIBI with a capacity of 12 tons.

EThe Company is also involved in the installation of pollution barriers and in firefighting. The SNR staff are trained at the CEDRE in Brest and by the Firemen of Marseille. The vessel AEOLOS has a water projection capacity of 600 to 1500 m3/hour and the GRIBI 180 m3/hour. All members of the SNR have 1st aid medical diplomas with a specialization in handling stretchers. In addition, the S.N.R., in partnership with the Maritime School in Sète, provides several navigation training modules.
EJIFMAR OFFSHORE SERVICES is a company that has several branches in France and abroad (Mayotte, Algeria, USA). It offers a wide range of maritime services: inspection, maintenance and repair, project management, offshore oil & gas, offshore wind farms, assistance in maritime works, R.O.V services, terminal maintenance etc. In Port-La Nouvelle, the company intervenes for the berthing of tankers at the sea-line (ship setting, mooring, pipe connection, security, anti-pollution assistance).

EThe towage Company SOCIETE NOUVELLOISE DE REMORQUAGE also offers offshore services. In addition to its tugs carrying ship’s supplies and personnel, it has a barge specialized in maritime work.

Services offshores

Jifmar Offshore Services
38 rue des anciens chantiers

C +33 (0) 4 68 45 87 13

Seamen’s club

76 Rue Voltaire

BP 84

+33 (0) 4 68 58 87 71 C

EThe semean’s club takes care about crew members and seamen during their calls in Port-La Nouvelle. Thanks to a team of volunteers, sailors can make shopping, obtain SIM cards, contact their families by using computers, meet other people and discover the city of Port-La Nouvelle. The team also assists seamen in some administrative procedures.

Supply of water, electricity and request for port equipment

Requests for supplies like water, electricity or port equipment must be ordered to the Port via ship’s agents.

Other useful addresses

Professional Directory of Port Services Providers