Realising Opportunity
A Port of Trust
Port facilities
B1 berth (D2), for tanker ships up to 145 m long x 22 m beam x 8 m summer draft.
BFutur port the new berth P1 whose operator will be EUROPORTS will be accessible to ocean-going vessels up to 14.50 m draft (60 to 80,000 t deadweight). The P1 will integrate a rack carrying the pipelines delivering the terminals and liquid bulk storage areas on shore. Against the North breawaters, it will be possible to build and operate 3 similar additional berths.
Terminal operators
1374 avenue Adolphe Turrel
+33 (0) 4 68 48 00 97 C
FOSELEV LOGISTIQUE is an independent private operator, a subsidiary of the FOSELEV group specialized in industrial services (64 locations in France and Africa). The site covers 10 hectares. It is qualified as Green SEVESO High Level terminal due it focuses on non-polluting products. FOSELEV has 6 trucks loading/unloading stations, a weighbridge and 2 railcars loading stations integrated to a large private rail comb. The operator has its own rail power car (locotractor). The opening hours of the terminal are from Monday to Friday from 06H30 to 17H00.
The terminal owns 39 storage tanks for a total capacity of 82,000 m3: 6 tanks of 1,000 m3 in 316 L stainless steel, 24 tanks in 304 L stainless steel (7 x 2,350 m3 + 15 x 1,300 m3 + 2 x 500 m3) and 9 tanks in carbon steel (4 x 5,000 m3 + 5 x 2,350 m3).