Marine Renewable Energies
Realising Opportunity
A Port of Trust
ELogistics providers involved in the Marine Renewable Energies and the relevant actors of this industry will find at Port-La Nouvelle made-to-measure facilities. It consists today to a first specialized terminal proposing reinforced quay for heavy-lifts and land space for building companies intervening in the construction of floats. Thisfirst zone allows Port-La Nouvelle to put itself at the service to the ecologic transition and green marine energies, a sector that the SEMOP intends to boost within the coming years. Port-La Nouvelle can indeed serve the offshore wind farms located off the French coast of the Mediterranean but also serve as a base for more distant projects. The area will be completed by other developments responding to the next tenders in the sector.
Port facilities
ETerminal operator : EUROPORTS
E 250 m of quay out of which 200 m with 11 m water depth.
E Ground resistance of these 200 m : 15 t/m2 on 50 m from quay end.
EOne zone of 40 x 40 m for a specialized heavy-lift crane @ 30 t/m2
EOtherwise total area is 7 ha of storage areas (5 to 10 t/m2) for assemblage and construction site.
EAdmissible ship’s size : maximum 160 m length x 27 m beam x 10 m draft and 25,000 t displacement (unless agreed derogation)
Terminal Operator
405 Avenue Adolphe TURREL
+33 (4) 68 48 01 02
EUROPORTS develops and operates global marine supply chain solutions for the industry. The group manages 30 terminals in Europe and Asia. It operates more than 60 million tonnes of goods each year.
In Port-La Nouvelle, EUROPORTS intervenes towards high end heavy-lifts handling services. Relevant operations begun in 2023 with 6 pilot machines of 10 MW each (wind farms EFGL and EOLMED). The Stevedoring Group and the Port proposes Port-La Nouvelle as the French Mediterranean hub for the assemblage of next generations of floating turbines.