Realising Opportunity
A Port of Trust
405 Avenue Adolphe TURREL
+33 (4) 68 48 01 02
manutention : stevedore@euroports.com
agence maritime : shipping@euroports.com
EUROPORTS develops and operates global marine supply chain solutions for the industry. The group manages 30 terminals in Europe and Asia. It operates more than 60 million tonnes of goods each year.
EUROPORTS is the sub-contractor for the stevedoring activities of the new deep-sea terminals. The Group will consequently propose a full range of port logistics services within these areas. In 2022, EUROPORTS will intervene for the Heavy-Lift operations on the construction site of the offshore floating windmills, will operate the 1st liquid berth dedicated to large tankers and will care about handling operations in the future dry bulk and breakbulk terminals to be operational by 2025-26.

Port facilities
Current Port
A Admissible ship’s size : 145 m long x 22 m beam x 8 m draft
A Public sheds for dry bulk and brealbulk commodities.
A 25 000 m2 of open storage.
A 2 mobile cranes Liebherr LHM 280 – 84 t (2011 + 2019).
A 1 crane on rail KOCKS – 40 t capacity at 40 m.
A 1 dust-free hopper
A 7 grabs from 14 to 28 m3 (cargo density from 0.9 to 2.65 t/m³)
A 2 manual spreaders TEC for containers (20 foot + 40 foot)
A 1 clamp for logs (MRS)
Port facilities
Heavy Lift Quay
A Water depth 11 m
A 7 to 10 ha of open storage (no rail available on site)
A Offshore wind turbines and heavy lifts.
Working time
A 07H00/12H00 – 14H00/19H 00 – 05H00/12H00 – 13H00/20H00
A Overtime on request or depending conditions agreed